Frolova Olga Vyacheslavovna – Project Manager, geologist engineer of "EKRT "Altai" LLP, PhD, corresponding member of the Kazakhstan National Academy of Natural Sciences.
Identifiers: h-index-3, ResearcherID AGH-2346-2022 ORCID Scopus Author ID: 57195674035,
Project Research Group
Project abstract
The idea of the project is to scientifically substantiate and develop a methodology for the integrated use of remote sensing methods, which makes a certain contribution to the current trend in the modeling of geological objects.
The authors of the project aim to combine various methods, separately used today, into one complex. It is proposed to study the relief features of the sites and the position of geological bodies in them using unmanned aerial vehicles such as the DJI Mavic2 ZOOM drone and the unmanned aircraft system such as the DJI Matrice 300 RTK drone, as well as studies to identify geological bodies at depth using a set of geophysical methods (georadiolocation, magnetic prospecting, electrotomography).
Expected and achieved results of the project
The results obtained from the research
The data of previous studies, archival and stock materials on the subject of the project are summarized. Detailed orthophotomaps of rare-metal objects of traditional and non-traditional type of mineralization were compiled.
Expedition work: geological environments were modeled based on physical characteristics and remote sensing data of traditional rare-metal objects (Asubulak ore field, Bakenoe deposit) and non-traditional type of mineralization (Tochka deposit).
Specialists trained as UAV operators
Scientific publications:
an article in a domestic publication recommended by COXON - in the journal "University Proceedings " KTU. № 4 (december, 2022): Frolova O.V., Zimanovskaya N. A., Okhotenko A.I., Shcherbakov D. A., Telgaraeva A. Geotechnical monitoring of the Nikolaev quarry using remote sensing methods
an article – in the journal Bulletin of D. Serikbayev EKTU, №3 (2022): Travin A.V., Zimanovskaya N.A., Mataibayeva I.E., Bisatova A.E. Patterns of geotectonic development and metallogeny of the rare metal Kalba-Narym zone.